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VOLUME 16 | October 2018

Maryland Signals its Intent to
Expand Paid Leave Protections
In the wake of the controversy that led to Maryland’s adoption of the Maryland Healthy Working Families Act which requires private employers to provide certain employees paid sick and safe leave, Maryland has continued to expand the scope of the framework under which employees can receive paid leave. On October 1, 2018 two new laws related to state employees’ rights went into effect in Maryland.
  • SB0859, Parental Leave, provides for 60 days of paid leave to state employees upon the birth of a child or upon adoption of a child under six years of age.
  • HB0306, Rights and Protections For Nursing Mothers, requires that state employees be provided with a private place, other than a bathroom, to use for the purpose of expressing breast milk and adequate break time in order to do so.

These laws only apply to state employees. However, private employers beware, it is a good indication of the direction in which the General Assembly is moving and proposals to expand mandatory parental leave and other employee protections to the private sector are sure to follow.

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