Rochelle’s Special Education Tips
What Do You Want To Tell The New Kid In Town?
You will be working with a lot of new special educators and related service providers in just a few weeks. What are some of the tips that you should provide to them to help them avoid making mistakes as they try to achieve tenure? Here are some:
Comply with the IEP, including the accommodations.
Keep accurate data.
Schedule the annual IEP team meeting for one month before the one-year date to provide breathing room for cancellations. Especially in the winter due to weather cancellations.
Be sure to send the parents/guardians copies of each assessment, report, data chart, draft IEP or other document that you plan to discuss at the IEP meeting at last 5 business days before the scheduled meeting.
Be prompt in sending out progress reports.
If a parent of a child makes it known that she thinks her child is eligible for special education services, hold an IEP team meeting ASAP.
If something in the IEP is not working, the new teacher should consult with her supervisor to talk it through. Maybe a new strategy is needed or the IEP requires amendment.
Never tell a parent, “I do not have time for this.”
Do not get caught up with serial e-mailers.
Take advantage of the knowledge of your peers. Education professionals are really one big happy family. And take it easy.
Rochelle’s Special Education Tips (“Tips”) are designed to be helpful and thought provoking, but should not be considered legal advice as they may not be accurate for use in all situations. Tips are based on my opinions and positions in accordance with federal and Maryland law and my over 35 years of experience in the special education legal field. – Rochelle S. Eisenberg, Esquire
Copyright © 2018 Pessin Katz Law, P.A. All rights reserved.
Tips may be reproduced for distribution within the educational institution, the individual school or school system and is for use by their staff. Additional distribution must be approved by author.
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