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Rochelle’s Special Education Tips
The Last Tip for 2017
If we had to have one primary rule for avoiding due process issues, it would be to just follow the IEP, including the Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), and keep data while following the IEP and BIP. If the data shows that things are not working out, hold an IEP meeting and amend the IEP. Every school system should have a process in place for having an administrator check-in to see that the IEP and BIP for all children with IEPs are being followed. The same principle holds, of course, for students with 504 Plans. The 504 Plans must be followed. If either the IEP or 504 Plan contain unnecessary provisions, hold a meeting, provide reasons and evidence for their elimination or revision, and eliminate or revise them.
You thought that was the last Tip? Wrong! The last Tip is to have a restful and celebratory holiday, enjoy your time off, and be glad we live in America where we have the luxury of worrying about compliance with IDEA and 504. Cheers!