Rochelle’s Special Education Tips
Don’t Let the Freezing Cold Weather Freeze Your Brain
All we seem to be recently talking about is the cold weather, as if it is a complete surprise to all of us to have below freezing temperatures in January and February. So when you finish talking about the cold weather at the start of the IEP team meeting, and your total shock over it, you need to think about the importance of following procedures. All procedures. Not just the ones you like. For instance,
o When you discuss Services, do not try to fit in the student’s service hours into your schedules. At least do not say it out loud. The Service hours should match the time needed to implement goals and objectives.
o Do not change the student’s placement (time inside or outside of general education) without an IEP team meeting. If things are not working, hold the meeting sooner than later.
o You do not need to agree to every request for Special Consideration and Accommodations if the requested item is not required for a FAPE. Just CONSIDER the request and note your consideration and the reason for your disagreement in the PWN.
o Parental participation is a right. If a parent becomes angry and walks out of the IEP team meeting, state to the parent as she is leaving that you will be continuing the meeting and that her participation is important. Ask her to remain. Usually the parent will return. But if she does not return and you need to complete the meeting, then complete the meeting.