In Tips
VOLUME 12 | July 2018


Maryland Employers – Are You Paying Your Employees the Required Wage?
Employers in Maryland generally, and in Montgomery County specifically, need to be aware that two changes in the minimum wage became effective on July 1, 2018.
  • Statewide, the minimum wage increased from $9.25 per hour to $10.10 per hour. Md. Code Ann., Lab. & Empl. § 3-413(c)(5).
  • In Montgomery County, employers with 50 employees or less must pay a minimum wage of $12.00 per hour and employers with 51 or more employees must pay $12.25 per hour.
  • Both laws provide for exceptions to the requirement.
The potential penalties for an employer’s violation of these laws can be significant. An employee can recover:
  • The difference between the wage paid to the employee and the wage required;
  • A potential additional amount equal to the difference between the wage paid to the employee and the wage required (i.e. liquidated damages); and
  • Reasonable counsel fees and other costs.

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