Executive Alliance is a statewide not-for-profit organization in Maryland composed of professional executive women. The organization initiates, supports and engages in activities to promote the advancement of women in professional and executive positions. Executive Alliance promotes the placement of women on corporate boards and educates the public on the benefits of having women in decision-making positions. Members serve as role models and mentors to women seeking to advance their careers.
The group, lead by Ms. Lambert, recently launched an effort to support House Bill 1116/ Senate Bill 911, titled “Gender Diversity in the Boardroom” introduced by Del. Shelly Hettleman in Maryland’s General Assembly this year. House Bill 1116/Senate Bill 911 will promote equitable and diverse gender representation in corporate and large nonprofit boards and encourages organizations to strive for a goal of 30 percent representation of women on their boards by Dec. 31, 2022. Publicly traded, private companies and nonprofits with operating budgets exceeding $5 million doing business in Maryland will report the percentage of female membership of their boards to Maryland’s Department of Assessments and Taxation under the bill. This information will be shared publicly on the comptroller of Maryland’s website and reported to the General Assembly on or before Jan. 1 of each year.