The Volunteer Committee at PK Law has an outreach program beginning today and running through early March 2013. Dress for Success (DFS) is an international, non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. DFS offers services designed to help its clients find jobs and remain employed. Each Dress for Success client receives one suit when she has a job interview and can return for a second suit or separates when she finds work.
PK Law is hosting a drive to collect “gently used” spring career ready-to-wear and accessories including scarves, costume jewelry, handbags and shoes. Please drop off items to the reception area of the Towson office, or with Mary Thomas in Bel Air and Falinn Roulac in Columbia. Donations will be accepted until March 8th.
Consider doing some early spring cleaning (men should ask their wives/partners/family members) to see what no longer works for you in your closet. This will make you feel “de-cluttered” and organized and will help a women who is out of work and looking to get a fresh start be more prepared to begin. If you have any questions or want to learn more contact Robin Chamberlin at X1169 or visit their website at