Pessin Katz Law, P.A., (PK Law), has a strong commitment to its community and, on Friday, June 17th, showed it by holding its first annual out of office Volunteer Day. Instead of heading to the office, approximately thirty PK Law employees spent the day working at Therapeutic Alternatives of Maryland (TALMAR). TALMAR is a nonprofit organization established to provide a therapeutic and recreational environment to people of all ages, with a focus on those with special needs and disabilities. PK Law employees spent the day assisting with maintenance tasks at the facility which included, weeding plant and vegetable crops, harvesting vegetables, cutting flowers, and planting new beds of flowers and vegetables. The day was organized by PK Law’s Volunteer Committee. “It was a very rewarding experience for all and I look forward to working towards involving more of PK Law’s employees in this type of community outreach in the years to come,” said PK Law Marketing and Business Development Director and Volunteer Committee Co-Chair, Nicole Ames. PK Law is committed to participating in quarterly initiatives to help those in need in the local community. Past initiatives have included the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, a Winter Coat Drive, and for the holidays, the PK Law Holiday Food Box Program.