In anticipation of receiving recovery funding, the Bel Air Downtown Alliance has created a micro-grant program to support existing businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This micro-grant is a one-time award of $5,000, limited to one business entity per owner, with no repayment due (this is not a loan). The award may be used for rent payments, mortgage payments, utilities, payroll and regular overhead costs.
This grant may not be used for any accrued debt or expenses incurred before March 15th 2020. No match component is required of businesses.
Criteria for Eligible Businesses:
- Must be a registered business entity in good standing with the State of Maryland as of December 1, 2020
- Have physical establishment within the Main Street District of the Town of Bel Air. Unsure if your business is located in the Downtown Bel Air district? Email me at for verification
- Must be engaged in activities currently regulated or impacted by the COVID-19 Maryland’s State of Emergency
- Have no pre-existing tax liens or legal judgement
- Demonstrate a loss of business revenue related to COVID-19
Applications are now open and will be reviewed on a first come first serve basis. If you know of any other eligible business who might benefit from this grant opportunity, please forward this email to them. Click the link above for more information.