PK Law Hosts Legal Issues For Those Facing Alzheimer’s2019-04-182019-04-18 Law
PK Law hosted another event at its new PK Law Learning Center. PK Law Estate Planning and Elder Law Attorney, Kevin Bress, spoke to the group about important legal issues for those facing Alzheimer’s. Kevin was asked to take part in the presentation by his fellow Partner, Edmund O’Meally whose mother suffers from Alzheimer’s. Ed and his wife are hosting a fundraiser Black Tie Gala to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association on May 19, 2019 4:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Antrim 1844, 30 Trevanion Road, Taneytown, MD 21787. Click HERE for additional information or contact
The next event at at the PK Law Learning Cetner will be Aging in Place with PK Law Attorney Cheryl Jones and special guest Nancy Rosenberg, a registered and licensed Occupational Therapist and owner of Aging in Place Solutions. Interested in learning more about the PK Law Learning Center and upcoming events? Click HERE.