Tuesday, March 2, 2021
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. ET
Many employees believe their right to post whatever they want on their social media accounts is a protected right. Are they correct in that assumption? What if their post adversely affects their employer’s business? Join PK Law Attorneys Lauren Ades, Adam Konstas and Mark Maneche and Beamed Media’s Online Reputation Expert, Todd Collins, for a panel discussion on Your Employees’ Social Media Conduct – What Can Employers Do If An Employee’s Post Adversely Affects Their Business?
Can you terminate the employee?
Should you terminate the employee?
Should you rebut the employee’s post?
Can you sue the employee for damages?
What actions can you take to rebut harm caused by an employee’s post?
Have a Question You Would Like Answered On The Topic? Please send it ahead of time toÂ
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