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 New case law, analysis, trends and news for those in the liability, risk management and insurance industry 

Volume 8  |  February 2018

Mushrooming Claims: Recognizing When Simple Claims Threaten to Expand Beyond What is Expected

By: Patricia McHugh Lambert, Esq. and Robert S. Campbell, Esq.

In the not too distant past, claims and claims handling were generally predictable. There was an incident causing damage, then a demand, and a dispute largely about the amount that would be paid. More recently, many clever plaintiff’s attorneys have developed strategies to cause an otherwise routine claim to expand into something more in an effort to drive up the claim’s value and to increase the likelihood of settlement. For example, claims for bad faith, vendor liability, agent errors or omissions, and consumer protection are frequently added to routine claims as a means to increase the scope of available damages.

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PK Law Member Pat Lambert Helping Women Leaders Through Executive Alliance

A recent article in I95 Business highlights PK Law Member, Patricia McHugh Lambert and Boys Hope Girls Hope of Baltimore Executive Director Karen Bond’s extensive involvement in Executive Alliance.

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Coming in the next issue:

The March PK Law Insurance Insights will focus on flood claims.

About PK Law’s Insurance Group

PK Law’s Insurance Group is comprised of a deep bench of attorneys with an extensive range and level of experience in the insurance industry. Lead by Members Patricia McHugh Lambert and Joan Cerniglia-Lowensen, the Group is supported by Members, Steve Allen, Barry Bach, Robert Campbell and James Benjamin and Associates Kambon Williams, Aidan Smith and Kayleigh Toth-Keilty. All members of the Group receive mentoring and are trained to apply the techniques and analysis that the Group’s senior attorneys use including project management, identification of the stages and how to accurately evaluate a case.

Insurance Defense