Community Involvement
Abell Improvement Association
Adoptions Together, Inc.
Alzheimer’s Association Greater Maryland
American Diabetes Association
American Red Cross
Associated Italian American Charities
Baltimore Consort, The
Baltimore County Development Corporation
Bel Air Downtown Revitalization Alliance
Big Brothers and Big Sisters for Central Maryland
Boy Scouts of America
Boys and Girls Clubs
Boys Hope Girls Hope Young Professional Network
Children’s Cancer Foundation, Inc., The
Children’s Guild, The
Columbia Jewish Congregation
Community Foundation of Harford County
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Maryland
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Downtown Baltimore Family Alliance
Emerging Leaders United
Equal Justice Council
Everyman Theatre
FreeState Legal Project, Inc.
Girl Scouts of America
Hannah More School
Harford County Chamber of Commerce
Human Rights Campaign
Junior Achievement
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Maryland
Krieger Schechter Day School
Leadership Howard County
Living Classrooms Foundation
March of Dimes
Maryland Jaycees, Inc.
Network 2000
Parent Teachers Association
Parents Club of Boy Scout Troop 497
Pro Bono Resource Center
Ronald McDonald House of Baltimore
Salvation Army
Sigma Delta Tau Foundation
St. Ignatius Church
Temple Isaiah
The American Legion
The Arc Baltimore
The Associated
The Children’s Home
Towson University Hillel
United Way of Central Maryland, Women’s Leadership Council
University of Baltimore Alumni Association
Upper Chesapeake Health Foundation
Westminster Jaycees, Inc.
Women Entrepreneurs of Baltimore
WYPR Public Radio
Young Victorian Theater Co.
Pessin Katz Law, P.A., recognizes the importance of supporting its community and the obligation of all its attorneys to serve society as well as clients. For over twenty five years, PK Law attorneys have been recognized as leaders in their community, serving on boards and committees, volunteering their time, energy and legal knowledge to non-profit organizations, schools, religious groups, recreational teams and civic groups and providing donations of money and resources to local and regional charities and community organizations. Using the approach that has led to so much success for its clients, PK Law uses innovative approaches and ongoing dedication in its community involvement initiatives.
PK Law’s Volunteer Committee helps plan the participation of quarterly volunteer activities, as the committee’s mission is to be actively engaged in the local community.
PK Law is proud to be a part of all of the wonderful organizations listed on this page and encourages all of its clients, colleagues and friends to make a difference in their communities.