Mr. Schwartz began his legal career in 1977, serving as counsel to the Maryland Medical Assistance Program. From December of 1984 through March of 1989, he was director of the agency currently known as the Office of Health Care Quality, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. In that capacity, Mr. Schwartz directed the agency that licensed and certified the health care facilities in the State of Maryland.
Since 1989, Mr. Schwartz has been engaged in the private practice of health care law in Maryland, representing all varieties of health care providers, primarily in connection with their dealings with State and Federal governments. In particular, he has represented providers in matters relating to health care licensure, Medicare and Medicaid issues of all types, health planning, and other regulatory issues. Additionally, Mr. Schwartz has drafted forms and plans and advised health care clients on the application of HIPAA and other legislation’s privacy provisions.